Honey Bees are really happy in PrimalBee System hives.

PrimalBee experimental apiary, adding super on cherry blossom


PrimalBee System apiary on the mountains in Lake Maggiore area.

This is a short video about one of our colonies at 900 masl in BeeHelpful experimental apiary. We added two PrimalBee System frames to the nest and one super with medium Dadant honey frames.
All those colonies are alive and kicking as never before. We manage our PrimalBee colonies accordingly to our enhanced organic protocol using only small quantity of formic acid.
PrimalBee System is the result of 12 years of R&D by BeeHelpful SA team.
Now, middle of April 2020, in our PrimalBee System hive we have healthy brood about the equivalent of 12-16 Dadant brood frames. PrimalBee nest frames are a patented shape, which allows the queen to lay much more eggs than usual, at the right 36°C temperature and with minimal effort by the worker bees. Those colony were overwintered on the mountains above Lake Maggiore, close to the Swiss-Italian border, we provided only 6 liters of syrup since last summer.
The previous visit was made August 2019.

It is a truly deep joy to see so healthy and numerous colonies, and add a superior honey box so early this season!!
It's true: HoneyBees are really happy in PrimalBee System hives by BeeHelpful.


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